
Cərrah Uroloq-Androloq

Uzm.Dr.Emin Məmmədov

Dr. Emin Məmmədov 2005-ci ildə yüksək balla qəbul olduğu İstanbul Universiteti Cərrahpaşa Tibb fakültəsində təhsil alaraq 2012-ci ildə məzun olmuşdur.

Məzun olduqdan sonra TUS imtahanında yüksek bal toplayaraq ilk seçimi olan Hacettepe Üniversiteti Üroloji Anabilimdalında rezidenturaya qəbul almışdır.

Avropa Urologiya Cəmiyyətinin mütəxəssisi.

Fellow of the EBU (European Board of Urology)

Tibb təhsili : Cerrahpaşa Tibb Fakültesi

Uzmanlıq: Hacettepe Universiteti Urologiya Kafedrası

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Uzm.Dr.Emin Məmmədov

Diplom və Sertifikatlar

İş təcrübəsi

01.01.2013- 01.01.2019 Hacettepe Xəstəxanası (Türkiyə)

05.01.2019 tarixindən etibarən Azərbaycan Tibb Universitətinin Urologiya kafedrasının əməkdaşı olub Tədris Cərrahiyə klinikasında işləyir.

01.05.2019 – 01.04.2020 HB Güvən klinikası

01.04.2020 Caspian İnternational Hospital

01.2023-cü ildən Liv Bona Dea Xəstəxanası

Nailiyyətlər və Sertifikatlar

Lənkəran Özəl Türk litseyine qəbul imtahanında 1-cilik, Aprel 2000-ci il

Azərbaycan Respublikası 9-cu sinifler arasında keçirilən kimya olimpiadasında qızıl medal, 2003-ci il

Azərbaycan Respublikası 10-cu sinifler arasında keçirilən kimya olimpiadasında bürünc medal, 2004-cü il

2007-2018ci ilde Təhsil Nazirliyinin Xaricdə Təhsil üzrə dövlət proqramı teqaüdü ilə təhsilini davam ettirmiştir.

01.2015- 04.2015’də ABŞ’ın  Cleveland Xəstəxanasında elmi araşdırmalara qatılmış ve meqalesi çap olunmuşdur.

01.08.2018- 01.11.2018’də Uludağ Üniversiteti Urologiya bölümündə İrəli Laparoskopik Cərrahiyə üzrə ixtisasartırma kursu keçilmişdir.

06.2019’da Avropa Board Sertifikasiya imtahanını keçerek Avropa Urologiya Cemiyyetinin mütexessisi (FEBU) ünvanını qazanmışdır.

Dərc olunmuş məqalələr

Altan M, Çitamak B, Bozaci AC, Mammadov E, Doğan HS, Tekgül S. Is There Any Difference Between Questionnaires on Pediatric Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction? 2017 Jan 9. pii: S0090-4295(17)30012-2. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2016.12.055. [Epub ahead of print]

Onur Telli, Perviz Haciyev, Ali Cansu Bozacı, Emin Mammadov, Mesut Altan, Adil Hüseynov, Cesur Samancı, Hasan Serkan Doğan, Tarkan Soygür, Berk Burgu, Serdar Tekgül. Efficacy of Antibiotic Coated Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Children with Neurogenic Bladder. Journal of Ankara University Medical Faculty 2016, 69 (3)

Kara O, Elshafei A, Nyame YA, Akdogan B, Malkoc E, Gao T, Altan M, Citamak B, Mammadov E, Dursun F, Greene DJ, Senkul T, Ates F, Ozen H, Stephen Jones J.The nomogram conundrum: a demonstration of why a prostate cancer risk model in Turkish men underestimates prostate cancer risk in the USA. Int Urol Nephrol. 2016 Oct;48(10):1623-9. doi: 10.1007/s11255-016-1328-6.

Çitamak B, Mammadov E, Kahraman O, Ceylan T, Doğan HS, Tekgül S. Semi-Rigid Ureteroscopy Should Not Be the First Option for Proximal Ureteral Stones in Children. J Endourol. 2018 Nov;32(11):1028-1032. doi: 10.1089/end.2017.0925. Epub 2018 Oct 20. PMID: 30226405

Konfransda çıxışlar və tesislər

Is neoadjuvant docetaxel chemotherapy and androgen blockage before curative treatment feasible in locally advanced high-risk prostate cancer? (6th European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers (EMUC) )

Urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract and prognostic factors changing in years. (Urooncology, 2013)

The efficacy of neoadjuvant hormone and chemotherapy before curative treatment in locally advanced high-risk prostate cancer. (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Is the core length in prostate biopsies important? (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Are cancer detection rates different between 10 and 12 core biopsies in large prostates? (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Do Perivesical Lymph Nodes İn Radical Cystectomy Affect Survival (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Radical Prostatectomy İn High-Risk Prostate Cancer (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Bilateral Testicular Tumors, Single Center Experience (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Comparison Of Symptom Scores Used in Voiding Dysfunction in Children (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Lymph Node İnvolvement İn Renal Cell Carcinoma. (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Effect of the AB negative blood type on the survival of the Upper Urinary Tract Systemic Epithelial Cell Carcinoma (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection İn Extragonodal Germ Cell Tumors (National Congress of Urological Surgery , 2014)

The significance of age and free/total PSA Ratio in catching prostate cancer in patients with PSA levels between 4-10 ng/ml. (National Congress of Urological Surgery, 2014)

Lymph Node Involvement in cT2 Renal Tumors, (1st Turkish-Greek urology congress, 2014)

The significance of age and free/total PSA Ratio in catching prostate cancer in patients with PSA levels between 4-10 ng/ml. (1st Turkish-Greek urology congress, 2014)

Comparison Of 3 Different Symptom Scores Used In Voiding Dysfunction In Children (Turkish Pediatric Urology Congress 2015)

Factors predisposing to extracorporeal spread of the prostate cancer patients and surgical margin positivity (UROONCOLOGY 2015)

How important is it really to prostate cancer caught in re-biopsy? (UROONCOLOGY 2015)

The Factors Affecting Success In Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress 2016)

Do benign pathologies after excision of renal masses of 7 cm or less decrease within years? (National Congress of Urological Surgery 2016)

Is the core length important in catching cancer in patients who undergo prostate biopsy due to high PSA levels? (National Congress of Urological Surgery 2016)

Semi-Rigid Ureteroscopy Should Not Be the First Option for Proximal Ureteral Stones in Children. (National Congress of Urological Surgery 2018)

The accuracy of multi-parametric MRİ of the prostate in determining extracapsular extension and seminal vesical invasion. (National Congress of Urological Surgery 2018)

Prostate MRI findings predicting extracapsular invasion and seminal vesical invasion in radical prostatectomy patients. (National Congress of Urological Surgery 2018)